About Project:
Our cleanroom solution consists of design, installation, commissioning and validation of cleanroom system, as well as the supply of equipment and devices used in electronic plant, air shower, pass box, etc.
Cleanroom Components
A: Structure: Cleanroom Enclosure
1: Ceiling Panel / T-grid FFU
2: Wall Panel
3: Windows
4: Door
B: HVAC: HVAC system is the main part of the whole cleanroom system, the key data like temperature, humidity, airflow, cleanliness class are tightly related to HVAC system.
1: AHU
2: Ducting
3: Piping
4: Chiller
5: Humidifier
C: Electric: 1: Lighting / Tear-drop Light
2: Switches/Sockets/Cables/wires/
3: Power Distribution Cabinet/
D: Auto-control: 1: PLC Controller
2: sensors for humidity and temperature
3: Control Panel
E: Flooring: 1: Raised floor
2: PVC floor
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